May 7, 2014

Garbage Disposal Freshener

Every time I hear the phrase “Spring Cleaning” I immediately think about the episode of Full House (maybe I’m showing my age here) where Danny is ridiculously excited about spring cleaning but, try as he might, can’t seem to get anyone else on board.  I can’t explain why this is the first thing that pops into my mind but it is.

 I don’t really understand the term “Spring Cleaning”, so what, you leave your house filthy for the rest of the year? Maybe these people are on to something, doing just one incredibly tough day of housework for the entire year.  Think of all the Saturdays I could spend lounging around doing nothing, what a sucker I must be.

Let me be honest though, I get in my fair share of Saturday lounging regardless of how much cleaning there is to be done.  As long as the clutter is picked up and it smells fresh I have no problem letting the vacuuming go for an extra week or two. 

The problem is the smell in the kitchen - the garbage disposal to be exact.  It’s horrendous, and often manages to make the entire first floor of the house stink.  Lucky for me (and anyone who enters my home), I found instructions to make my own garbage disposal freshening tablets!

They are CHEAP
They are EASY,
and best of all they WORK!

 Here’s what you need:

3/4 Cup Baking Soda
- 1/2 Cup Salt
- 1/2 Teaspoon Liquid Dish Soap (any kind)
- 1 Lemon (and grater)
- Small spoon or scoop (I used a Tablespoon measuring spoon)

The directions I found here also call for a sheet pan, parchment paper and a sealable glass jar.  I found these items are suggested but not necessarily needed.  What you need is somewhere to let the refreshers dry overnight (possibly on a parchment covered sheet pan) as well as a sealed container to store them (i.e. a sealable glass jar).

  • Combine baking soda and salt in a small bowl.
  • Add dish soap and grate entire lemon peel into the baking soda / salt mixture
  • Slice lemon in half and squeeze lemon juice into mixture (the baking soda my fizz)
  • Combine all ingredients until it forms a sand-like mixture. (I found it easiest just get my hands in there, rather than stir with a spoon)
  • Pack the sandy mixture into a small spoon / scoop (like I said I used a Tablespoon measuring spoon).  Then lightly tap the “refresher” out of the spoon onto the surface you plan to dry them on (ie sheet pan, parchment covered sheet pan, parchment covered table, etc.)
  • Let the freshing tablets sit out overnight to dry.
  • Once dry they are good to use and storing for future use as needed. 

The next time your disposal starts smelling funky, throw a few freshing tablets in and turn it on! 
It may not be “spring cleaning” but it does smell lemony fresh.

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